Wednesday, June 24, 2009

La belle France

On Friday (26th) the Band sets off on a trip to Coldstream's twin town, Bennecourt, France. Situated on the border between Normandy and Ille de France, on the banks of the River Seine, it is a lovely place.

Compared to some twin town arrangements, this one is spot on; both towns are agricultural, relatively close to big cities and close enough to less prosperous towns to remind the residents how lucky they are - Bennecourt has Bonniere-sur-Seine and we have Duns. (before Huttonian takes grave offence, that gag works both ways).

Close by Bennecourt is Giverny, home to Claud Monet and his famous garden.
And if you fall in the river at Bennecourt you really are in-seine! Ha ha! (copyright Spike Milligan).

Here are some memories from past trips to Bennecourt.

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