Now that a suitable period of time has elapsed since the Pipe Band World Championships, held in Glasgow on 12th August, we can offer our congratulations to our friends in the Vale of Atholl. Their senior band came 8th and their novice-juvenile band came 4th http://www.thevale.org/.
Good results for both bands. The senior band was one of five Scottish bands in the top ten; the other bands coming from Northern Ireland (3 bands, including the winners Field Marshall Montgomery http://www.fmmpb.com/) and Canada with two bands.
If you are very patient you can find out more at the dependably baffling website of the Royal Scottish Pipe Band Association http://rspba.org/.
The pic above is of the band at the Ortiquera festival in Galicia in 1995. With the glengarry is a baffled looking Andy Renwick, Pipe Major of the Vale, wondering why he is in Northern Spain with this rabble.
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