Not the Truman Capote novel, although it is a band favourite, but other views of our wee corner of Scotland and England that do not share the usual beer, horses and rugby outlook. These can be found in our links section on the main site, with our favourites below right.
We particularly like 'Journey to the source of the River Tweed' http://www.hunnymonster.org.uk/tweed/, the Paper Shop http://www.hunnymonster.org.uk/ and that perennial favourite Musings from the Merse http://www.huttonian.blogspot.com/.
Other good sites include one of fishing http://www.fishtweed.co.uk/, which is surprisingly interesting, or is that just us? And the site for Ad Gefrin, the 7th Century capital of the Anglo-Saxon Northumbrians http://www.gefrin.com/.
Finally, the Bridging the Border educational project seems a vey positive and forward looking venture, http://www.tweededucation.org.uk/index.htm. Seems to me that the words to a Dick Gaughan tune amplify the aims of this project:
Both Sides The Tweed
What's the spring-breathing jasmine and rose ?
What's the summer with all its gay train
Or the splendour of autumn to those
Who've bartered their freedom for gain?
Let the love of our land's sacred rights
To the love of our people succeed
Let friendship and honour unite
And flourish on both sides the Tweed.
No sweetness the senses can cheer
Which corruption and bribery bind
No brightness that gloom can e'er clear
For honour's the sum of the mind
Let virtue distinguish the brave
Place riches in lowest degree
Think them poorest who can be a slave
Them richest who dare to be free
(Words : Trad & Dick Gaughan / Music : Dick Gaughan)
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