On Friday (26th) the Band sets off on a trip to Coldstream's twin town, Bennecourt, France. Situated on the border between Normandy and Ille de France, on the banks of the River Seine, it is a lovely place.
Compared to some twin town arrangements, this one is spot on; both towns are agricultural, relatively close to big cities and close enough to less prosperous towns to remind the residents how lucky they are - Bennecourt has Bonniere-sur-Seine and we have Duns. (before Huttonian takes grave offence, that gag works both ways).
Close by Bennecourt is Giverny, home to Claud Monet and his famous garden. http://giverny.org/monet/welcome.htm
And if you fall in the river at Bennecourt you really are in-seine! Ha ha! (copyright Spike Milligan).
Here are some memories from past trips to Bennecourt.

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