Just how many times can a pipe band play in a week? Ride-outs to Norham, Birgham, Flodden, the fancy dress parade, torchlight procession and beating the retreat. Move over James Brown and the Famous Flames, we're the hardest working band in showbiz.
Good pictures of the band all over t'internet...even the BBC. The Berwickshire News published the same story they have run since 1972 and Musings from the Merse gave Flodden its annual flogging. But we note, with just a hint of modest satisfaction, that there was not a word of criticism of the band...clearly music lovers are bloggers too!! To those who slag off the whole thing as daft, we say, yes it is, how right you are, and so what? Set your watches for the first full week in August 2007 and you can have another go. Hip hip..hooray!
Main pic courtesy (in other words stolen) from The Paper Shop at http://www.hunnymonster.org.uk/
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