To Floors Castle for the annual massed bands. Ho hum. Lots of people watching, which must have gladdened the heart of the Chookie Roxburgh who pays us to entertain the tourists while they tour the house, watch the other attractions, spend money, etc.
We were the lead band this year. A great turn-out saw us there in good numbers. (Pictures by Charlotte Lauder).
As ever, some of the playing was erratic, starts and stops were better this year than previously, but the volume still went up and down like the proverbial fiddlers elbow. The finale was a hilarious, free-jazz fusion of pick a tune, any tune, and play it in whatever order you want. Many thanks to the military band, who led with their own, unique, timing.
Otherwise, this was a good day out and brought to an end our summer season, which began back in June at Cockburnspath. Over the summer, the band has been out in great numbers and it is heartening to see how many young players, pipers and drummers, are now coming through the training programme and featuring regularly as members of the band. It is also good to see people returning to the band, Peter has returned after his service with the army and Graeme Tait, who is now an army recruiter, was also playing with us on Sunday.
More news as it comes, including various oppor-chancities of tours in Germany!