Some new players: into the pipe core come Gareth Watson, Scott Martinson and Gavin Horsburgh, whilst the drum core is bolstered by Christopher Browne, Logan Parsons, Colin Leifer and Gemma Martinson. In addition, Frank Mount makes a welcome return to the pipe core.
Out of the band have went: Lucy Bryson, Paul Ford and Orrin Karp.
The band therefore stands as:
Pipe Major: Robert W. Bell
Drum Major: James Bell
Drum Sergeant: Alan Cockburn
Pipe Sergeant: Peter Scott
Duncan Bell, Gavin Horsburgh, Steve Hyslop, John Lauder, Bob Lillie, Frank Mount, Scott Martinson, Stewart Nelson, Gordon Thompson, Gareth Watson.
Hamish Bell, Christopher Browne, Ian Cockburn, Laura Cockburn, James Ditcham, Colin Leifer, Gemma Martinson, Neil Moffat, Suzie Nelson, Logan Parsons, Alec Thomson.
AGM Thomson (Chairman), Bob Lillie (Vice Chairman), Rob Bell (Secretary), Carol Cockburn (Treasurer)